Simple shell script to check APC (Alternative PHP Cache) status and alert in case of fragmentation

Here's a super simple shell script to check for APC cache fragmentation and send an alert email root. Depends on apc_info.php from


# ------------------
# ------------------
# This script checks APC cache status. At the moment, just looks for
# fragmentation, if above 0, sends an alert email to root.
# This script depends on apc_info.php from
# ------------------
#  WHY
# ------------------
# APC cache fragmentation can cause a significant performance hit.
# ------------------
# ------------------
# Can run this via crontab as often as desired. 30 min should be often
# enough for my needs.
# */30 *  * * *   root	/usr/local/bin/apc.check

apc_status=$(curl -s http://localhost/apc_info.php | sed 's/\ [a-z]/~&/g;s/~ /\

fragmented=$(echo "$apc_status" | awk '/fragmented:/ {print$NF}')

if ( echo "$fragmented" | grep -q [1-9] ); then
  echo "$apc_status" | mail -s "APC cache fragmentation detected on $(hostname -s)" root

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